Whale conservation gets added to the growing list of progressive measures that we are engaging in to lead the industry towards a more sustainable future
Earlier in November 2024, we became an official member of the League of Whale Guardians. Whale Guardians™ is the international programme for the avoidance of ship strikes on whales, focusing on establishing approved traffic separation schemes and speed reductions to help the world’s great whales recover to their pre-whaling populations. Preventing unintentional vessel strikes is critical for the survival of some endangered whale populations, especially the world’s largest animal, the blue whale. Whale Guardians™ has a proven methodology to apply protections in a manner that is safe for whales and translates into minimal impact on vessels.

From reduced carbon emissions to higher attention on crew welfare, there are heartening developments re-shaping the industry for which we intend to be stewards of change. As an official member of the League of Whale Guardians, our managed vessels are now required to adhere to the established Whale Guardians™ routes, reinforcing our dedication to saving whale lives.
The benefit that our commitment and this collective provides to the viability and well-being of some whale species will be substantial. Blue whale females, for example, give birth about once every six years. However, for every calf born, one blue whale is lost to a vessel strike. Consequently, their overall numbers are stagnating due to ship strikes.
By joining the League of Whale Guardians™, we are taking a proactive role in global whale conservation. We hope that this action will inspire other players in the industry, and that the critical population of whales can gradually rebound.
As per the theme of this year’s IMO World Maritime Day and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, this is our ocean, our obligation, and our opportunity. Together, we can collaborate and coordinate efforts to ensure more sustainable seas and greater protection for the species that live below water.